Trust / Discipline / Reliability
Nowadays, the internal and external communication needs are quite large for every organization. For most companies, their businesses span across continents, and they must be able to manage multiple languages. Quality translations allow you and your contributors to develop homogeneous products and answer your customer needs.
Because I know that your translation projects must be done quickly and with confidence, rigor and professionalism are at the top of my concerns.
Combining my experience in the industry and my interest for language allows me to provide my customers with high quality content from the English world. This gives you access to the French market! I am doing technical document translations in the mechanical domains, and more specifically in the sectors of the agricultural machinery, the renewable energy, and sports equipment.
My mission consists of supporting the product development to achieve an optimal performance in meeting my clients linguistic challenges. Ultimately, I strive to help all my clients gain efficiency in their work. To meet our goals, I establish a strong partnership with my customers in our translation projects of technical documents.
Understanding and manipulating key documents in English is not always straighforward. Using unreliable data or poor translations can result in costly mistakes, setbacks or delays in new product launches.


The three mains factors of success when working with a freelance translator are:
- An extensive knowledge of the technical domain.
- A close relationship with the client.
- Establishing translation and terminology database.
All this also comes from the unfailing professionalism of the freelance.
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